I was having conversation with my granddaughter. Charlotte is now 6 and soaking up all the
knowledge they can throw at her in her first grade classroom. That beautiful little face is even more
adorable now that three teeth are missing and she has a bit of a lisp.
The coolest thing is…we were talking about what she is
reading. This precocious little girl has
been reading for a long time and it’s fun to watch her proficiency grow and
grow. I was surprised at what she’s
digging into right now. She knows the
books I have here at my house and she asked “Mimi, when you come next week can
you bring me The Light in the Attic?” Wow, I thought…these kids are in first grade
and they’re already reading Shel Silverstein?
I assured her I would not only bring her that book but Where the Sidewalk Ends, The Giving Tree
and Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back as well. And just for good measure, I’m tossing in The Wizard of Oz. I so look forward to reading these things with
her. My boys have especially enjoyed
As I talked with Charlotte, I was reminded of my childhood
friend who was like the Pied Piper when it came to reading. Her name was Stevie and she introduced me to
the public library when we were but second graders. I well remember the day she led me around to
a particular shelf and said in her very adult and matter of fact tone, “These
are the Bobbsey Twin books and if you start at this end you can read their
story in order.” My introduction to
serial books! I read my way through the
Bobbseys and went on to enjoy Nancy Drew and my all time favorite, Nurse Cherry
Ames. So many happy hours escaping into
those worlds so different from my own!
If you have favorite book memories, leave me a comment and
share them. I’ll just bet we’ve got a
lot in common! If you're receiving this post on your e-mail, please click through to the actual blog. You'll find directions there for posting comments.
“The more you read,
the more things you will know. The more
that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” –Dr. Seuss