Several weeks ago, I began to write a weekly column for my church newsletter. I call my column Grits and Gravy: Food for the Soul. Today, I want to share with you the column that appears in this week's newsletter.
Christmas is overwhelming to me this year. Do you feel that way, too?
So many issues are chasing each other through my brain that it’s
impossible to snatch just one to consider for very long. My muddle doesn’t come from the traditional
scurrying of the season. That’s not
happening this year. Instead, I’m
besieged with much heavier concerns than having enough wrapping paper. I don’t have to enumerate what they are. The world, the flesh, the Savior…so many
hotbeds of conflict and concern. I have
mine, you have yours. Too many to think
about. And frankly, many of them I don’t
want to dwell on for very long because it’s not healthy.
Max Lucado has boiled it down to wonderful simplicity in his book Before Amen: Lord, you are good. I need help.
They need help. Thank you, Jesus,
for who you are.
Who. He. Is.
There is a peaceful clarity when I take the time to remind
myself of Who He Is. The nativity
display on the table in my living room is very grounding for me. The reminder is that God – in a moment and a
place and a time of his own choosing – caused his son to be born into this
world. He didn’t come to reign and rule
from the magnificence of a palace, surrounded by a servile horde ready to
impart his every thought to his waiting subjects and do his unquestioned
No. He sent his son to
walk with you and me…through the dark…through the rain…through the dirt…through
the conflict. He sent his son to see the
confusion in our minds …to stand beside us when we stumble on the rocks in the
road and whisper “I’m here. We’ve got
this. We will walk through this together.”
And he’s here to dance with us and rejoice in the many moments when prayers
are answered and the sun shines.
Here’s what I know for sure.
In the
beginning the Word already existed.
The Word
was with God, and the Word was God…
The Word
gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to
The light
shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
1: 1, 4, 5 NLT