Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
-Thomas Jefferson / Benjamin Franklin / and Countless Others
How many times are we told that if there's something we really really want to do we should do everything we can to make it happen. This quote is officially credited to several famous figures in history...not to mention my mother and every mentor I've ever had. It's good advice, and yet it's so often ignored. Things that would enhance life in so many ways are allowed to slip to the bottom of our Life List and put into the category of that Great Someday...when all the planets align and life is totally in order and everybody's schedule matches. And we miss so many beautiful moments.
My daughters and I have spoken longingly for several years about having a girls weekend. Doing something special just for husbands, no kids. The realization of our need for time together came at Christmas when the most fun moments we had were in...the grocery store! So what should we do?
Our birthday sequence seemed like a good time. Becky's birthday starts it off March 3, followed by Lyn March 17, and mine bringing up the rear on April 19. For Lyn and me, this is a milestone year: 50 and 75. It was obvious. This was the time. And the choice of place was a no-brainer: The Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC...midway between their homes in Tennessee and South Carolina. It was delightful. I wouldn't trade a second of it. My favorite picture is this one. We stood in the chilly night air on the porch of this famous hotel with Asheville in the background.
The most precious thing to me is not the things we did, but the gift of time with my daughters. The thing we do best is laugh and there was surely a lot of that. As I watched them together and realized how much they were taking the lead and taking care of Old Mom, I realized that through me God has given a special gift to this world in my two adult children. They are loving, caring and just downright beautiful people. If I do say so myself.
I'm not writing this today to promote The Grove Park Inn. It was a great blessing that we were able to go there...our gift for birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day for a long time! I'm saying that if there is someone you need to spend time with, get it in the works today. It doesn't have to be fancy. Time spent walking the beach or hiking a mountain or even buying groceries is just as precious. Just do it. Life is short and uncertain. And its already got enough regrets. I hope you won't let this one slip through the sands of your time. We only have today.
This is the day the day the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
-Psalm 118:24