Christmas is such a happy time,
Hear the bells ring...
Christmas is Jesus' birthday
Be glad and sing!
Years ago, I worked with a children's choir at my church. The little ones sang these words so happily, so innocently, so free of cares. They expected everything in the world to be right for this season of the year. And we taught them that, indeed, Jesus' birthday is a reason to be happy.
In the adult world, the truth is that whatever is going on in life - good, bad, happy, sad - it's going to keep right on going on, regardless of the date on the calendar. But if we look, if we pay attention, we can find breezes of encouragement. I got one today. I picked up a calendar in K Mart and the verse on the picture said:
Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.
Psalm 116:7.
Yes, He has.
Where has God been real to you this holiday season?